3 Years at Least - The seller’s minimal experience in the industry of jewelry

8 Years at Least - A seller of single diamonds must have experience of 8 years in the diamond trade

Gold and Diamond policy - The seller declares and undertakes that he complies with the Standard of Gold and Diamonds as stated above


By virtue of the Israeli Standards Law, the seller must comply with Gold Standard 299.

The law prescribes that any gold product that weighs more than 1 gram - whether it is manufactured in Israel or imported - must undergo a process for the authentication of the scale of the purity of the gold.

Products with a purity scale of less than 375 / 1000 of gold (9 carat) are not considered a gold product, and therefore, they do not require the hallmarking and they will not be referred to as a gold product.

Compliance with the Standards Law which institutes that each product must have three hallmarks:

  • The hallmark of the manufacturer or the importer must be visible.
  • The hallmark of the purity of the gold - in carats or in thousandths.
  • The hallmark of the purity which proves that the hallmarking of the purity of the gold is indeed correct.

The first two hallmarks are impressed on the piece of jewelry by the manufacturer; the hallmark is impressed on the piece of jewelry in the laboratory for precious metals at the Standards Institute.


License - a jeweler who sells a natural diamond while it is set in a piece of jewelry will declare to the Company as follows

  • He purchased it from a reliable authorized trader with a diamond dealer’s license, a manufacturer or a trader with a license to engage in the diamond trade - subject to the laws of commerce in Israel.
  • The work of setting the natural diamond on the piece of jewelry was performed by a trader who has a license for engaging in the diamond trade, by a trader who has a diamond dealer license – manufacturer, or by a trader who has a diamond dealer license – goldsmith / silversmith.
  • As far as the jeweler does not have the aforementioned license - he will provide the Company with the name of the supplier and/or the details of the dealer from whom he purchased the diamond and the details of the dealer who performed the setting of the diamond on the piece of jewelry.

The GEMS B2B platform - provides the option for trading among traders, where you can buy and sell diamonds and/or GEMS.  The B2B platform has no option for cancelling a transaction and/or for returning products through the platform. The website will not be responsible for transactions of this type.

A diamond dealer who wishes to sell natural diamonds to another jeweler / diamond dealer on the GEMS B2B platform must have a diamond dealer license or a diamond manufacturer licence.

A diamond dealer who is interested in purchasing natural diamonds from another diamond dealer on the GEMS B2B platform must have a diamond dealer license or a diamond manufacturer licence or a diamond jeweler dealer license.  The license of the diamond jeweler does not give permission to trade the purchased diamonds.

Gemological certificate - GEMS demands that the sellers on the website provide a gemological certificate on behalf of a licensed laboratory for each natural diamond and/or a diamond from a laboratory which was both set and not set in a piece of jewelry and weighs 0.30 carats and more.

GEMS demands that the sellers on the website provide a gemological certificate starting from 0.30 carat!

Diamond standard summary table on the GEMS website: